March 1, 2011

First Prize for being Early

...goes to: Lyndia!

But this time I've taken "being early" to a whole new, practically obscene level. I cannot believe it. I got so lost in Rishikesh (hours/days/weeks/month(s)) that I managed to break my own best record of timely-ness.

Sometimes I've had people comment on how I am "so punctual" and they ask what my trick is. Usually I tell them it's about planning ahead but that I've been planning like this for so long that "being early" is just habitual and "being ontime" is almost unacceptable as it almost feels late!

Luckily and thankfully the folks here in Dehradun that I've met are not only gracious and welcoming but totally able to overlook that my "punctuality" has crossed a line... so get ready for it. Guess how early I was?

I was approximately 27 hours early. TWENTY SEVEN HOURS! Compound this with the fact that the driver (I ended up hiring a car instead of taking the bus) was actually on NON-Indian time and apparently was ready to take me even three hours EARLIER. Good grief! The Universe is conspiring to make me terribly, unfashionably and very inconveniently early.

So I arrived a day before I said I would. How did this happen? I guess I counted 2011 as an un-leap year and took a day OFF February (sorry February) and simply counted yesterday March 2. Easy, I guess? Unfortunately this means I missed the camping trip BUT came on the day they DEPARTED not returned. Thus, my much anticipated meeting of Mrs. B will be delayed until the scheduled time. Oh poorly-timed, oxymoronic Lyndia, when will you ever learn?
Sunrise from the apartment accomodations

Good news? The patient front gate guards... the confused and immensely helpful staff... the slightly skeptical but supportive driver and then I even got to meet the school's headmaster.

But the best part? Well... that everything's worked out so far! Today (today = Tuesday, March 2nd 2011 - just reminding myself) is a holiday and things are certainly laid back and there's lots of time to see the new surroundings and take in the transition. The impressive, beautiful campus of the Doon School and my accommodations off-campus with... (you'll never guess) an ART TEACHER (Ceramics, Sculpture, Painting, Textiles) who is so awesome and helpful and lovely, named Banita! So I'm invading her studio apartment and she is an amazingly gracious hostess! First she took me for, shockingly, burgers at "Hot Spice" (a little fast food shop) which I was relieved to find out were vegetable patties because I was hoping I was not forcing any "non-veg" dietary options on anyone! But I think I will be able to keep on the bandwagon of the vegetarian diet while I am here :)

SpongeBob on the patio outside the studio apartment

I am really enjoying it so far (despite this silly cough I have assumed for the last couple days - which she tried to aid the relief of with a nice mint, raisin, cinnamon tea and gogul - a local sweetner of some kind that I doubt I've spelled correctly) and frankly, I am just so thankful that no one has even brought up my anti-tardiness again. In the upstairs studio with lime green curtains we shared stories and talked about art and I even got to see my hostess' art portfolio and it was all so lovely!

Toady? I've got the tour of the campus grounds (absolutely awe-inspiring and I DO have pictures... for another day). Now I am chillin' in the Ceramics Studio and wishing my art-inclined friends could see this place! (Kali, Katie, Janae, Heather, Cadence, Dad! others... this is a phenomenal set-up and any high school art teacher would be drooling at the space, materials and the required time teachers have for the own work!)

I look forward to learning how I will be able to be of service while I am here!

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