February 27, 2011

Bonus Days in Rishikesh

After some lovely sight-seeing (half of which has already landed on the blog!) I realized that instead of rushing off to a gracious offer of camping in India (Red Canyon) with teenage boys... I would be, instead, doing 3 or 4 yoga classes, having my meals cooked for me, reading, journal-ing/blogging, finishing some online tasks (looking into another "brand" of silence-meditation retreats), some in-town errands (finding some cds, and an atm etc.) - I decided to try and spend the extra two days here and practice integration: Life Yoga.

More than just the stretching and fitness yoga I need to build up some stamina in the meditation and mindfulness department - and what better way than to stay in Rishikesh and the Ashram. Part of me almost wishes I had another two weeks here but I am very much looking forward to the volunteering at the Doon School! For those of you who haven't googled that yet... here's their web site. And I plan to help out there for three weeks or so... but that's still "to come."

For now I will continue to rise at 4:45am, meditate, do yoga, eat breakfast in silence and enjoy the abundant sunlight and positive energy of the friends I've made from the Yoga Teacher training.

Already I have two new roommates (from the YTT program) and feel the reflection-time and relaxation as such a needed gift after the frenzy of tests, practicums, stress (real, imagined or other peoples') and then quite a few good byes. As such... I am hesitant to take any opportunity that DOESN'T involve both restfulness and personal reflection time. I am feeling pretty spoiled but refuse to feel guilty!

So the come-this-afternoon on an Indian public bus and then unload half your stuff and pack for fun-filled camping adventures for one evening... made me feel overwhelmed just thinking about it actually... but I was SO excited and drawn to the opportunity to DO something... I nearly forgot my goal of just BEing (more on that topic later).

Just as I had hoped when I started my blog and went on my trip... I am here not to finish a checklist of stops or amass a veritable contemporary art museum of photos (although I do have at least 200 already - burnt them on to a cd to help keep the memory card free)... no, this trip is about DOING as much as possible... I am abnormally capable of finding those opportunities ANY/EVERY WHERE. This trip is about learning how to BE as often as possible.  -- Intersting fact: today's morning yoga class theme: Be. (and) Be in the Moment. ... NOT the first time a random event has matched PERFECTLY with my mental intention or current inquiry while I've been here.

p.s. some how I keep forgetting to add this to my blog... my YTT nickname: from day one I was Miss India. Haha, there were actually some people who didn't know my real name until week three! But one day the nickname was expanded. After helping one of my Japanese Yoga Family friends with her paper and presentation her roommate said "good bye Miss India, home tutor!"

Good times in Rishikesh and now I've got an additional 48 hours to keep the vibes going.

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