February 1, 2011


On the spectrum of Too Allowing and Too Effortful I am sure I fall smack dab in the furthest corner of "Too Effortful." Maybe not the last 8 months of my life but pretty much every day from 7 years old until then. I like to try too hard. I need like to be perfect. For goodness sake, I am currently reading a book called Intuition and taking notes and looking for practical exercises so I can 'try it.' Yes, Too Effortful. But Too Allowing isn't good either. Neither is "right" because neither is joyful. We were looking at some of these ideas today in Yogic Philosophy class and it really struck me.

Yesterday at the end of Techniques class (where we look at the way to teach the physical yoga poses that most Westerners consider the whole of yoga) our Yogi host, Vishvaji said, "now who wants to have fun?" We looked at each other and then cheered "Yes!" This could be anything from a session of Laughing Yoga to a fairly intense abdomen strengthening exercise (it's some kind of twisted yoga humour that sets up the most difficult poses as "fun" but in reality the change of attitude towards them makes a huge difference, but I digress) today we had to clear away our books and blankets and mats... odd. We divided into two groups and were told that we were going to play a game: MOUNTAIN TAG!

Yes, we played tag, with an audience of the other half of our class (because of space restrictions). Basically like Frozen Tag but assuming a yoga pose (like down-facing dog, called Mountain Pose in this school of yoga) and then a team mate had to crawl or slide under you to un-freeze you. SWEET! And the power had just gone out (brown-outs are commonplace here) so it was a dusk-time Mountain Tag where you couldn't quite make out who was chasing you and who was just running away with you. It was hilariously fun! And we even got applase from the spectators when the bell rang and our time was up.

I am sooooo into teaching a kid's yoga class when I get back because I will bust out all the yoga tag I can think of! Okay, I lied. I am going to do this with any group of people who will allow me to suggest it. Be careful groups of family/friends/strangers-in-public-places/transit-riders-waiting-for-the-train of four or more... be very very careful. Lyndia has just learned a new game!


  1. Love this post. I, too, suffer from "Too Effortful-ness."

    Your writing is beautiful and inspiring...thank you for letting us all tag along on your journey!


  2. It is so great to "learn along with you"! Thanks so much for sharing Lyndia! You are very much missed and often talked about with great fondness. I am enjoying "tagging" along. However, I will be aware of your "games" when you get back! take care and continue your Joyful Journey.
    Linda Murray


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