January 19, 2011

big Deal?

So, I've got less than 2 days of work left. No big deal.

And...I'm still feeling like I'm totally unprepared for this trip. Okay, no big deal.

Oh and Hey! I'm just saying good bye to everyone I know... it's no big deal.

I am floating through la-la land & don't even believe I'm leaving in 102 hours... ah, no big de... no, wait! I think this kind of IS a big deal! Why am I so nonchalant about all of this? How can I also feel totally panicked at the same time?

How much more dis-analogous can it be?

Rewind: I went to the art gallery this evening, cooked some pasta, had a great chat with my grandma and read more yoga-related books... low and behold 3 out of 4 held the answers (sorry pasta-cooking, no revelations today).

1) I love taking my time looking at art; skipping the ones I'm no into and going back to the ones I loved without reservation. It was glorious and I only felt a burst of panic twice in 105 minutes of cultural recreation.

2) My grandma announced she was still "trying to wrap her head around all this" for my trip...and I confessed (and realized) I was too! But then I realized, that's okay. I love talking to her!

3) Good old yoga-books. Seriously, if I didn't take away some gem of wisdom I'd be amazed. This time? The "contentment shift."
Deeply accepting and feeling gratitude for every part of your day, situation and life. Everything. Good, bad or neutral. Because "with contentment comes a lessening of fear." BAM. Now that's a life lesson.

I am grateful for my sources of wisdom.

And I am content with my pasta with Alfredo sauce, black beans and bamboo shoots.

yeah, it's kind-of a big deal.

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