February 19, 2011


Two nights ago I had strange dreams... childhood friends I haven't seen in five or six years in jail? Doing a pre-natal yoga class?! Being hit by a blue Rishikesh tuk-tuk?!

The last two... were the true ones. Well, I guess I haven't checked into the friend. I hope she's not in jail... highly doubt it. But maybe you're thinking: "Lyndia, doing pre-natal yoga requires, well... the pre-natal!" Well..yesterday morning: I found out I was pregnant... and while "being aware of my body" actually started to feel it. Okay, fine... my "pillow baby" was certainly not 20lbs but my arms were hard to lift over my head, my back was strained and I was feeling totally fatigued.

It was a practical 2-hour pregnancy though, terribly efficient and quite relaxing and restorative since it was all consumed doing yoga. There were a few moments of being really emotional too... like after the 5 minute meditation of "getting into my body" and then having the teacher guiding us to "use our breath to hug the baby." That FREAKED me out. (Very un-yoga.) But then I let the experience take over and... like I said, I got into it! The ONLY unbelievable part was that one of the two males in the course was sitting in front of me and every time I saw HIM pregnant... well, it brought me back to reality!

After the class my labour was all of thirty seconds and I turned negligent pretty quickly... left it on the bed and went for breakfast.

Babysitting/motherhood is great so far - sleeps 7.5hours a night, is happy to eat left-over fruit and (contraband cookies) with me and is WAY better at the vow of silence than I am... awww they grow up fast.)

I LOVE this pregnancy!

Practical note: I am definitely going to look into it more when I get home... the PRE-NATAL YOGA of course! :)


  1. Wow... that sounds like an interesting exercise!

  2. yes! It was and today... chair yoga! We got to act like very frail, possibly quite elderly people. I've basically had a life-time in one month!


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