March 9, 2011

Flash Cards

Flash Cards - there are some lessons here and a few pictures - I hope the "Flash Card" idea comes across for some of them.

Lesson 1: It's hard to keep up with a daily blog, that's for sure, but I am glad I haven't been on the computer each and everyday... it just wouldn't seem like a holiday then!

Lesson 2: there are SO MANY little stories that have been coming up - it's amazing! But sometimes it feels like the little stories are not very Blog-worthy. They are the kind of stories you can casually mention over tea in some Canadian coffee shop or on a Skype call or something. The trip to John Martyn Memorial School is one of them (the two pictures are from there). Actually.. that place was nothing short of inspiringly amazing...


Lesson 3: It feels really weird when everyone (mostly everyone... or at least 500-ones) call you ma'am.  Most notable is when I am seated at the head of one of the (20?) tables in the Common Dining Hall (CDH) and am asked "Do you need anything ma'am?" or "Can I re-fill the butter ma'am?" or "How was your day ma'am?" or "Can I speak to someone at the other table ma'am?" etc. etc. etc. It took me at least seven days to not jump, cringe or look to see who was being address when I heard all this "ma'am-ing."  Nope. Just me.

Lesson 4: Volunteers may not be entitled to sick days... but I had to take one on Monday. Luckily by Tuesday all was well but guck, what a lacklustre 12 hours. BUT I am now terribly appreciative of "only having a cold." At least I can sleep, eat, talk and NOT nap for a whole day.* However, the next day (when I was back at the whole "eating thing" I did whip up the Indian equivilant of KD - good old Mac and Cheese! Mmmmmm!

Lesson 5: The Lizards won't hurt you.
I know this. My mind knows this. My heart believes it... but I've also had near-premonitions of a little critter scurrying across my face at 3am or getting trapped in my purse or joining me for morning yoga. BUT maybe they (there are two of them) can be my friend because they seemed to come out during the Hindi (and Punjabi) dance music-videos on t.v. We may get along, in fact.

Lesson 6: I spend a lot of time in the Art Department. When the question is put to you as the volunteer yoga teacher and social service assistant: "Lyndia where will I be able to find you today, the art department?" It makes you think... and made me smile :) I am getting to do ALL MY FAVOURITE THINGS each day - yoga, art, social service, eat Indian food, talk with awesome people. SWEET. Which reminds me... I've actually be able to work on some art while I've been here! SO AWESOME! I will be sharing more about that later but suffice it to say I am totally lovin' it.

Lesson 7: There ARE stupid questions. Yesterday I think I asked at least seven.... the best one:
Me- What do you call those little mini baby mangoes?
Banita: yes.
Me- huh? Oh... mangoes... right.

Banita and Lyndia


  1. Gecko's = friends
    they eat more scarier things like cockroaches :S

  2. Sorry to hear you were sick. Glad you are starting to feel better!

  3. The Lizard Friend has been "set free" s/he was getting too close to being a chef and that's where we drew the line.
    No Lizards In The Kitchen.

    We chased him/her out the patio door! I'm SO glad that wasn't necessary on my sick day. Still sucking back the Halls cough drops though!


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